How to Make Oat Milk at Home

Love a tall glass of oat milk—or a splash in your coffee—but can't stand paying a fortune for the industrial stuff? Here's a simple, three-ingredient recipe for this dairy-free alternative to cow's milk. It's got no fillers, no thickeners and no added sugar, and you can make it overnight in your very own kitchen.

How to Make Oat Milk

Got bitten by the DIY bug? Whip up a batch of homemade oat milk, then flavor it any way you please—with chocolate, honey, cinnamon or vanilla!

Pick your oats

Measure out one cup of rolled oats. Try to use regular rolled oats rather than quick-cooking or instant oats, as most of these have been pre-cooked.

Oats in Bowls

These oats can't be contained! Unless, of course, you put them in a bowl...

Soak 'Em If You Got 'Em

Add a pinch of Himalayan salt, plus six and a half cups of filtered water to the bowl and stir. (You can use as little as four cups of water for a creamier texture). Cover with a towel and refrigerate overnight.

Good Morning!

By now, your oats should be fully soaked.

Grain Goodness

Don't believe us? Check out a spoonful of that cereal to check for plumpness!

Blitz It

Use a blender or immersion blender to process the oats and soaking water thoroughly. This should take about two minutes.

Almost there!

Starting to look like milk. Just one last refinement...


Separate the liquid from the solids by passing your concoction through a fine sieve or muslin cloth.

Don't Fear the Flavorings

Now's the time to add a bit of extra flavor—but only if you'd like! Feel free to keep it simple with classic oat milk.

Adjust to taste

Whether you're using honey, cocoa powder, powdered cinnamon, vanilla extract or a combination, the key is to add a little at a time, tasting as you go until the flavor is perfect.

Bottle It Up

Make sure you seal up your oat milk and decorate with some adorable labels! Okay, that part isn't mandatory. But make sure you give your oat milk a shake before using it, as the solids will start to settle.


Drink down a tall glass, add some to your coffee, pour it over cereal, make some rice pudding... There's no limit to the substitutions you can make with oat milk!

How to Make Four Alternative Milks

Thirsty for more? Need an alternative to everyday lactose milk? Your options are endless and super easy to make at home!